3 Mistakes that Keep us from Growing

3 Mistakes that Keep us from Growing Download our FREE eBook Growth is one of the best parts of being alive, and growing in the things that we care about is one of the deepest pleasures we can experience as humans.   Landing the job, starting a new relationship, getting A raise, having a bigger… Continue reading 3 Mistakes that Keep us from Growing

Give your brain something that is worth being right about

By AMANDA JAGGARD Give your brain something that is worth being right about Confession: I love to be right.   Like, not just a little bit.  It might actually be classified as a full-on addiction.  I don’t just LOVE being right.  I’m addicted to being right.  I can’t stop myself.  It drives me, leads me… Continue reading Give your brain something that is worth being right about

Leading with Generosity

Leading with Generosity Realizing that every single leadership challenge that happens in your life is flowing from a place where you might be holding back, can open up a space of conversation with yourself asking: “Am I generous enough?” Jason Jaggard introduces an acronym called ROCKETS.    Which highlights the different types of wealth that… Continue reading Leading with Generosity