HOH Water Technology

Annual Revenue:

 $34 million




2 years

“I was skeptical but kind of curious about how we can metabolize this in a way that's going to help us get to the next level. What ended up happening was that we had a breakthrough organizationally that year.”
Reid Hutchison
Chief Operating Officer
hoh water

Client Challenge

HOH Water Technology was looking to unlock a new level of organizational performance, with a clear focus on financial growth. The company had experienced growing pains that made it difficult to scale while preserving its core values and employee satisfaction.

They recognised that a strategic investment in the leadership development of their management team (made up of individuals new to their roles), was key to aligning the team’s capabilities with the company’s ambitious growth targets.


The leadership team noted the influence of the Novus Global culture on their mindset – how it drove engagement, team camaraderie, problem-solving, and celebrating wins as a team. Feedback, conflict management, goal & vision setting, increased energy, and the confidence to claim value for what they offered, were also achieved.


HOH also reported the following measurable results:


  • 180° shift from declining growth to a 10% YOY top-line growth for the last 3 years of working with Novus Global
  • Double-digit YOY growth in EBITDA before bonuses

Coaching Solution

Following discussions with the HOH executive leadership, Novus Global crafted a 12-month hybrid coaching experience. Both individuals and teams engaged with a Novus Global coach.


Our key focus areas included:


  • Encouraging expansive thinking regarding the capabilities of leaders and teams
  • Fostering a bias for action
  • Concentrating on growth at both micro and macro levels
  • Promoting ownership and accountability at every organizational level
  • Cultivating a growth mindset across the organization.

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