| A rare interview with billionaire philanthropist Bill Conway on his modest early days and founding The Carlyle Group with $5 million dollars and growing it into a $250 billion global investment firm. Bill shares his approach to cultivating great leaders; valuing self-worth over net worth; the good deal/bad deal paradox; and his secrets to success and greater knowledge, including seeking out opposing viewpoints and being open to changing his mind.

He tells Novus Global’s Jason Jaggard about his philosophy of generosity, specific strategies for giving back as impactfully as possible, prioritizing giving with urgency rather than saving it all for his estate, and how to make a meaningful difference without being wealthy. Enjoy this engaging and exclusive conversation to kick off the new year!



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Guest info

Bill Conway started his career by serving in a variety of positions in corporate finance, commercial lending, workout loans and general management for almost ten years with First National Bank of Chicago. From 1981 to 1986, Conway had worked in various financial positions at MCI Communications being named senior vice president and chief financial officer in 1984. In 1987, he co-founded Carlyle Group with David Rubenstein and Daniel D’Aniello.

He has served as the chairman of the boards of Nextel Communications and United Defense Industries. He has made charitable donations to the Catholic Church. As of March 2018, he is the 859th richest person in the world, and the 293rd richest in the United States. He is worth US$3.3 billion.