Unlock Your Why: Creating a Powerful Vision for 2025

A compelling vision defines your ‘why‘. It transforms routine work into purposeful action. It shifts you from merely surviving to thriving, from reacting to proactively shaping your future. Without it, even the most talented teams risk becoming aimless. But with it? The potential is exponential.

Are You Resilient? The Answer Might Surprise You

When asked this question, most people respond with some version of yes. But if everyone is already resilient, why do we talk about it so much?

You likely know people who would say they’re resilient, even though you might say they aren’t. And, if they were asked if you are resilient, they might respond with “no” even though you might answer “yes.”

So, how do we handle the question, “Am I resilient?”

The Top 5 Reasons Athletes Are Hiring Executive Coaches

Today, sports are more than just sports. They are big businesses, with business demands, licensing contracts, branding partnerships, social media strategies, and of course, endorsements.

Athletes today need to be good not only at their sport but also skilled in navigating the complex landscape of sport. That’s where executive coaches come in.

The Heart of World-Class Coaching Comes Down to This One Thing

World-class coaching isn’t a set of questions—though we can’t do our work without them. It’s not the thought leadership and insights—though they can help. It’s not the track record of helping clients get what they want—though this is a fundamental part of every coaching relationship.

Are You Coachable? The Answer Might Surprise You

Most leaders I know are leading with one hand tied behind their backs because they think they mostly have a coachable culture but they don’t. And once people redefine what coachability is, all sorts of developmental conversations begin to open up all over the organization. People become more willing to grow and even invest in their own growth.

Create Your Life and Leadership into New

Create your life and leadership into something new. How many times have you stopped yourself from moving forward in life, because it felt like too much was going wrong around you, or even inside.  Watch and listen to what Herbie Hancock learned about wrong notes while playing during a live show with a legendary jazz… Continue reading Create Your Life and Leadership into New

Give Your Brain Something That Is Worth Being Right About

Your brain loves to be right. This isn’t a problem unless you’re giving it non-resourceful things to be right about. But it’s a massive asset if you master harnessing it for your benefit. If you’re going to be right about something, be intentional about what you are right about.

Leading with Generosity

Leading With Generosity Realizing that every single leadership challenge that happens in your life is flowing from a place where you might be holding back, can open up a space of conversation with yourself asking: “Am I generous enough?” Jason Jaggard introduces an acronym called ROCKETS.    Which highlights the different types of wealth that… Continue reading Leading with Generosity

The Two Ways You Might Be Lacking Direction

While the idea of vision is taught almost everywhere – many spiritual teachers and famous authors have written about it for centuries – most people still haven’t learned how to fully maximize the idea of vision in their lives and leadership.

Effortless: A way to enhance your performance

By JASON JAGGARD Effortless: A way to enhance your performance Have you ever made something harder than it needed to be? Maybe it was a phone call you dreaded making and then after it was over you were said, “well, that wasn’t so hard.” I want you to think about that phrase: that wasn’t so hard. It wasn’t that hard, but… Continue reading Effortless: A way to enhance your performance