3 Mistakes that Keep us from Growing

3 Mistakes that Keep us from Growing Download our FREE eBook Growth is one of the best parts of being alive, and growing in the things that we care about is one of the deepest pleasures we can experience as humans.   Landing the job, starting a new relationship, getting A raise, having a bigger… Continue reading 3 Mistakes that Keep us from Growing

Give Your Brain Something That Is Worth Being Right About

Your brain loves to be right. This isn’t a problem unless you’re giving it non-resourceful things to be right about. But it’s a massive asset if you master harnessing it for your benefit. If you’re going to be right about something, be intentional about what you are right about.

Leading with Generosity

Leading With Generosity Realizing that every single leadership challenge that happens in your life is flowing from a place where you might be holding back, can open up a space of conversation with yourself asking: “Am I generous enough?” Jason Jaggard introduces an acronym called ROCKETS.    Which highlights the different types of wealth that… Continue reading Leading with Generosity

The Two Ways You Might Be Lacking Direction

While the idea of vision is taught almost everywhere – many spiritual teachers and famous authors have written about it for centuries – most people still haven’t learned how to fully maximize the idea of vision in their lives and leadership.

Effortless: A way to enhance your performance

By JASON JAGGARD Effortless: A way to enhance your performance Have you ever made something harder than it needed to be? Maybe it was a phone call you dreaded making and then after it was over you were said, “well, that wasn’t so hard.” I want you to think about that phrase: that wasn’t so hard. It wasn’t that hard, but… Continue reading Effortless: A way to enhance your performance

Mastering the Art of Self-Innovation

By JASON JAGGARD Mastering the Art of Self-Innovation If you’re a leader, by definition your job is to innovate. Leaders take us into a future that is different than the one we’re in today. We innovate the present to create a desired future. Often when we think of innovation, we think of coming up with new ways… Continue reading Mastering the Art of Self-Innovation

If You’re a Leader, You’re in the Love Business

By JASON JAGGARD If You’re a Leader, You’re in the Love Business “Love is power.” – Rumi, 13th Century   Recently I was coaching a client and he said to me, “Jason, the more I grow as a leader the more I realize love is at the center of what I do.” Now, this isn’t some ordinary guy… Continue reading If You’re a Leader, You’re in the Love Business

Stop Motivating Your Teams and Do This Instead

By JASON JAGGARD Stop Motivating Your Teams and Do This Instead Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw   Motivating your team is one of the holy grails of leadership. When a team or person isn’t motivated, you begin to hear complaints like this: “This organization is getting too… Continue reading Stop Motivating Your Teams and Do This Instead

People Often Miss This Key Component for Authenticity

By JASON JAGGARD People Often Miss This Key Component for Authenticity Our culture today gives a lot of worthy attention to the ideas of being yourself and being authentic. Most people define “authentic” as “how they feel” or “what feels most natural” or “what makes them most comfortable.” For the last 50 years, one of… Continue reading People Often Miss This Key Component for Authenticity

Get Maximum Value from Absolutely Everything

By JASON JAGGARD Get Maximum Value from Absolutely Everything I want this article to radically change every single area of your life forever. (But it probably won’t.) The reason is that it’s only going to cost you time to read it and many people treat their time like it’s cheap. Like it’s expendable. We (including… Continue reading Get Maximum Value from Absolutely Everything