We believe that every situation can be made into something extraordinary, that we can take what might sound wrong and turn it into something new and reimagined.
Leading with Generosity
Realizing that every single leadership challenge that happens in your life is flowing from a place where you might be holding back. We invite you to look at Generosity in a whole new light!
The Leadership Challenges of High Performance Cultures
Jason Jaggard, CEO and Founder of Novus Global introduces the concept of Meta Performance and The Two Greatest Challenges High Performers Face.
Navigating Grief and Growth
An idea of how to navigate between emotion and opportunity, in a way that helps leaders do that thing that they really love to do, which is also grow.
Doing the impossible means growth
People who are able to repeatedly do the impossible, over and over again have this intense appetite for growth. Even more than success.
integrity Redefined
This is how we define integrity. Integrity is doing what you say you’re going to do. That’s integrity.
Apply what we already know
There’s an assumption that says everything I already know cannot help me. The hardest thing to learn, is that what you think you already know?
content vs context
The path to the extraordinary life, the path to living a life of joy and happiness and fulfillment the path to telling great stories that path to inventing new types of stories.
what are WE capable of
When you start orienting your life around the question ‘What are we capable of?’ you’ll start exploring.
how feeling good can get in the way
If you live your life only trying to feel good. If you live your life trying to answer the question, how do I feel good, you never will.
how our imagination uses us
Most of us talk about how we want to use our imaginations, but we fail to realize is how often our imaginations are actually using us.