Bonus Episode: The Formula for Multiplying Your Time + Making Room for Innovation, with Rory Vaden

Renowned leadership trainer, entrepreneur and NYT Best-Selling author Rory Vaden discusses automating every internal work process to make more time and space for creativity and innovation. Interviewed by Novus Global’s Jason Jaggard, Rory dives into multiplying your time and the 30X Rule, ROTI (Return On Time Invested), the significance calculation, and how to ensure you never have to answer the same question twice. This Bonus Episode comes from The Global Leadership Podcast.

Rory’s pioneering firm, Brand Builders Group, specializes in helping leaders become more respected, trusted, recognized and influential. His insights have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNN, Entrepreneur, Inc, on Fox News and he was named as one of the top 100 leadership speakers in the world by Inc Magazine. Entrepreneur Magazine calls him, “One of the world’s leading productivity thinkers.”

Learn more about Rory: |

• Procrastinate on Purpose: 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Ti
me by Rory Vaden

Novus Global is a tribe of elite executive coaches who work with Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Athletes, World Renowned Artists and Business Leaders to create lives, teams and companies that go beyond high-performance.

Book a free consultation with a Novus Global coach here: 

This podcast is produced by Rainbow Creative with Matthew Jones as Senior Producer and Jeremy Davidson as Editor and Audio engineer. Find out more about how to create a podcast for you or your business at

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