Choosing Growth Over Comfort

ON COACHING | David Gerber, Dan Leffelaar, Janet Breitenbach and Johan Martinez-Khalilian lead a powerful conversation on growth. Drawing from personal examples, they share the impact of their own radical commitment to growth as coaches, and illustrate the fortitude, courage, and discipline required to avoid the allure of complacency. Each coach discusses their hypothesis for why it’s rare to find communities truly committed to growth over comfort. Spoken in the same tone of love and fierce advocacy with which they color their life and serve their clients, you will hear how growth is the best—and possibly only—way to create meaning and fulfillment in your life.

Novus Global is a tribe of elite executive coaches who work with Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Athletes, World Renowned Artists and Business Leaders to create lives, teams and companies that go beyond high-performance.

Book a free consultation with a Novus Global coach here: 

This podcast is produced by Rainbow Creative with Matthew Jones as Senior Producer and Jeremy Davidson as Editor and Audio engineer. Find out more about how to create a podcast for you or your business at

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