Lessons from Running for President of the United States with Andrew Yang

META PERFORMANCE SHOW | In this episode, Jason Jaggard sits down with best-selling author, former mayoral candidate for New York City, and former US presidential candidate Andrew Yang.

They talk about Andrew’s journey from lawyer to tech CEO to presidential candidate, and what he’s doing today as an advocate for election reform through the centrist political party known as FORWARD.

Other topics covered include how incentives work (and don’t work) in professional politics and media, what entrepreneurs know about running for office that many others don’t, and how all of this applies to you and me in our everyday leadership.

What’s clear from the conversation is that Andrew has a lot of passion for what he does, and he views every step along the way – whether it be a win or a loss, as an essential part of building towards what he wants for himself and the American people.

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This podcast is produced by Rainbow Creative with Matthew Jones as Senior Producer, Producer Stephen Selnick, and Drew MacPowell as Editor and Audio engineer. Find out more about how to create a podcast for you or your business at rainbowcreative.co

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