Naming Your Limiting Beliefs to Create Scalable Results, with Chantelle Little

YOUR FINEST HOUR | Tiller Digital Founder and CEO, Chantelle Little, shares the salient impact being coached had on both her and her company, not the least of which was doubling her company’s size in one year. Dan Leffelaar interviews Chantelle and her coach, Janet Breitenbach, and discuss the power that writing out her limiting beliefs, focusing on company culture, and testing specifically for growth and ownership in the hiring process had on Chantelle’s business. Chantelle shares the one question that Janet asked her often that had the greatest impact on her growth.

Novus Global is a tribe of elite executive coaches who work with Fortune 500 Companies, Professional Athletes, World Renowned Artists and Business Leaders to create lives, teams and companies that go beyond high-performance.

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This podcast is produced by Rainbow Creative with Matthew Jones as Senior Producer and Jeremy Davidson as Editor and Audio engineer. Find out more about how to create a podcast for you or your business at

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