Putting Yourself in the “Arena” + Navigating Success + Failure, with Brian Ferguson

META PERFORMANCE SHOW | From Navy SEAL/Special Warfare Officer, Secretary of Defense policymaker, and purpose-driven tech entrepreneur, Brian Ferguson, comes a robust episode on the art of public speaking, complexity theory, why the pursuit of mastery for achievement alone can feel empty, and the significance of being “in the arena.” A favorite saying of guest Brian’s (a metaphor for the importance of hard work and versatility, but quite literal in his case): “Be able to deadlift in the gym at 6 A.M. and brief the president at 6 P.M.” Brian speaks candidly with host Jason Jaggard about his modest beginnings and lack of “pedigree” compared to his counterparts, how he’s handled past failures, and his #1 characteristic that he believes, above all else, was paramount to his success. Brian’s pioneering healthcare company, Arena Labs (www.arenalabs.global), explores the intersection of technology and high performance.


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This podcast is produced by Rainbow Creative with Matthew Jones as Senior Producer and Jeremy Davidson as Editor and Audio engineer. Find out more about how to create a podcast for you or your business at rainbowcreative.co

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